Friday, May 2, 2014

Katrina McBride/Stephanie Page

These ladies were my first roommates. This many years later (hu..uh...20 years) I have some perspective on the amazing women that were introduced in my life, and how they shaped my formidable years; I could not have anticipated how scary it would be to go it on my own. Luckily, these two Banger Sisters, one bridled and the other wild; both were up for escapades, which made my first time in the real world a land mine of anecdotes, anything could happen at any time. And... believe me when I say anything DID happen: scary movies, pierced belly buttons at home with a cube of ice and a protractor, laughing until you sigh and then laughing again until you sigh again and then laughing until you cry, skipping school to lay-out at the park, random parties and meeting strangers, long talks about boys, career, philosophy, and God while walking hills and tracks, willy nilly road trips to Rexburg, Blackfoot, Burley, Salt Lake City, Lake Powell, running out of gas at 1:30 a.m. in the middle of no where, driving all night long to the largest camp-out party I've ever been to, in southern Utah, being bored, and then turning around and driving to Burley Idaho and back to Logan Utah in about 72 hours.  It was the only time in my life when I was so fearless, good? bad? I don't know. I hate to sound like a stoner, but man...that was a stellar time.

Stephanie, for me is the epitome of assertive. She would put together the adventure, organize the details, and then sit back and watch them unfold, watch the rest of us go into crazy mode. Somehow she participated in the adventure, but never looked like a fool with the rest of us. Stephanie, is successful in anything she does, no doubt, because of her intelligence. She encouraged my free spirited nature. No matter my thoughts on a subject she accepted me; I never felt like I had to be something or someone that I wasn't with her. She goaded me to try new things or ways of thinking, to be unafraid, and then if whatever I had tried didn't feel honest she let me change or change my mind without ridicule or judgment. I owe that part of my soul that so often wants to flit away towards something new and exciting to Stephanie's cultivation of my free spirit. Stephanie thank you for your friendship, and shaping and championing my free spirit.

On the other hand, Trina is the person that would be my anchor, so that I stayed close to my roots. Trina is a rock. She is strong and good! She always kept me balanced and coaxed confidence from my unsure soul. I think it is appropriate that Trina became a nurse because she is a nurturer. She was motherly even back then. When we had our insane adventures she always brought thoughtfulness and instinct to the board. She knew what to do in a crisis. I had a melt down once after a long stint of binge drinking; I didn't know what was going on or what to do. She knew. Thank you Trina for your words and deeds that night. Drama aside, she saved my life. She also allowed me to be authentic and did not judge.  Trina, you have been a beautiful friend over these many years. I am grateful that we became roomies, so that I got to experience you. You always made me feel worth and that I could fly or walk and both were good options. You are thoughtful of me and my feelings always whether you were getting married or just randomly running into me. Thank you for your nurturing example.

My Banger Sisters have left fingerprints of wings and anchors both of which I need in my life.  

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