Cheryl and I have shared the name Foster (it is a great last name, one that I will be reluctant to hopefully give up one day ;-) since I was 14 years old. However... we share more than that last name. We share an eternally perfect love for my brother, Ross, and her children: Quade (Mandy), Tate, McCray, Shad, and Delanie. Sharing this kind of love strengthens and emboldens a relationship like nothing earthly can; no matter the personal differences. I think that is why building a relationship with a sister-in-law is different from a friend because you have a common purpose in mind...your family. This kind of love becomes a trump card to all else!
When I was young and naive I did not realize all the effort it takes to be a sister-in-law. I understand now that the blending of families includes blending traditions and ideologies, and sometimes learning to love those that you may not pick for your own, while avoiding compromising your core values. As I become more experienced with building relationships I learned the difficulty of this balancing act. I am thankful to Cheryl for her acrobatics in this regard.
Cheryl is one of the hardest working women I know. She is a runner. I admire the dedication she puts into being a runner. I have seen the blisters on her feet, heard her sneak out of the house before the sun has risen, smelled the the fear of potentially not reaching her goals, nearly tasted the salt on her skin as sweat drips, and all the while feeling her love for the accomplishment and freedom that, I understand, accompanies the RUN. Her devotion to running blurs into the rest of her life, her friends, her religion, and particularly being a mom.
I think Cheryl's attributes of hard work and dedication were exemplified by her own mom. If you know her beautiful mother, (Nana) JoAnn, this will not surprise you at all. If you don't her, well... you are missing out... because Nana fills each heart with goodness, sometimes through her food, sometimes with her hugs, and sometimes with her listening ear. All of this goodness makes her busy, which she loves, but more importantly she loves the reason she stays busy these days...her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. Cheryl is on her way to being a clone of Nana, which in my opinion is one of the greatest compliments to her. Nana is beloved by all who meet her! Thank you Nana for raising a daughter that mimics the hard working, brave, motherly woman that you are.
The clearest fingerprint Cheryl has left on my soul is how to love your children and be a mom. Like her mother she has raised some amazing hardworking children. Each one of them have unique talents. They are respectful, kind, and confident. This seems to be quite a feat in this this day and age. I have seen the benefits of being a support and building a solid foundation for her children My sister mentioned in her blog Cheryl's ability to be an award winning cheerleader. Cheering her children on in academics, football, rodeo, art, dancing, and the gamete of other activities they have been or will be interested in. She is the great encourager! As a result she has raised children that are easy to love and adore. And...children who love and adore her. She illustrated for her children what it means to love and respect your parents by being an amazing daughter. This built a solid foundation for her children to imitate. She worries about Nana always, and tries to make sure she is taken care of and feels needed. Don't we all love to feel needed and capable?
Cheryl, thank you for loving my brother! You make him a happy man. Thank you for ever being the encourager. Thank you for being a brave, hard working woman. Your children are lucky to have you. Thank you for going on this journey of family with me. Sharing in this love has emboldened our family. Thank you!